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Suggested enamel paint uses for your South Florida home
August 11, 2021 at 7:00 AM
Suggested enamel paint uses for your South Florida home

Humidity can have a major impact on the state of your South Florida home. If certain areas of your home don’t have strong seals, they can allow moisture into the materials and the moisture in the air will make it difficult for them to dry completely. This can lead to the slow development of water damage. At UCI Paints, we have enamel paints that are meant to create a strong seal. We have recommendations of enamel paint uses for your home to protect it from exposure to moisture.


No room in your home is more at risk for water damage than your bathroom. From steamy showers to full bathtubs to regularly washing your hands, there are plenty of opportunities for water to get into the nooks and crannies of your bathroom. In addition to the normal humidity of the environment, steam from hot showers makes it difficult for your bathroom to ever completely dry out. This is why you’ll often find mold growing in your shower, on the ceiling, or in corners of the bathroom. Enamel paints will help to seal these areas to ensure that the moisture and mold aren’t able to get deep into the wood structure of the bathroom and cause water damage that’s expensive to repair.


The kitchen is another part of your home that is exposed to a lot of water. Boiling water, filling water bottles, or a leaky refrigerator can lead to water build-up on the floor or even on your countertops. Enamel paints are a great way to ensure that your walls aren’t at risk of water absorbing into the drywall. Acrylic paints are water-based, which means that they’re going to bring in more water even after they’re dry. In contrast, enamel paints are oil-based and will repel water and keep it from soaking the surface where they’re applied.

Around windows

Few things are worse than leaky windows, but it’s also not uncommon to have the seal around your windows wear down over the years. Moisture can accumulate around the outer edges of your windows on cool evenings or mornings and damage the structure if it’s not wiped away. Enamel paints create a durable coating that makes it so you don’t have to wipe down the area around your windows during the cooler months of the year. While the paint isn’t a suitable replacement for a good seal around the window, it will help protect the structure that surrounds it.


If you have a deck in front or back of your home, it’s going to be exposed to the elements. With years of punishment from storms followed by sunlight, your deck is going to be at risk of warping, splitting, and sustaining other damage. You can protect the surface of your deck by sealing it with enamel paints. Repainting your deck every few years is a great way to ensure that the rainy season doesn’t take a major toll on the state of your deck. It will also help to maintain its original strength and integrity as it prevents the wood from drying out and splitting.

Get in touch for more

If you’d like to learn more about enamel paint uses for your South Florida home, please reach out to our team. At UCI Paints, we can provide you with expert advice regarding the use of enamel paints in your home to protect it from damage caused by the high humidity of the region. Give us a call today at 954-581-6060 or send a message using our online contact form. We’ll help you decide on the best paints for your home.