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What's So Special About Acrylic Enamel Paint?
April 24, 2023 at 4:00 PM
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Painting or repainting your home is one of those projects that doesn't happen very often. So when the time does come, you’ll want to get the job done right the first time. One of the most important decisions to make is the type of paint.

If you live in the South Florida area, our 100% acrylic enamel paint is the way to go. This paint is specifically formulated to handle Florida’s hot and humid climate, ensuring your home looks good year-round.

Not convinced? Let’s walk you through what makes acrylic paint so special.

Acrylic paint overview

Acrylic paint is a type of paint made of water-soluble pigment that’s suspended in acrylic polymer emulsion. It is a highly versatile and popular medium used by artists, hobbyists, and DIY enthusiasts alike.

Its unique properties also make it an ideal choice for a variety of applications, from fine art to industrial painting. Here’s what makes acrylic enamel paint the ideal choice for your Florida home:


Acrylic paint is water-resistant once it dries, making it a popular choice for buildings that are often exposed to the elements. This is particularly important for homes in rainy or humid climates, as it ensures that the paint job will last longer and remain intact even in adverse weather conditions.

Quick-drying time

One of the main benefits of acrylic paint is its fast-drying time. Unlike oil paint, which can take days or even weeks to dry, acrylic paint dries quickly, allowing the painters to work more efficiently and build up layers of paint more easily.

Versatile application

Acrylic paint is versatile in terms of its application. It can be used thickly or thinly, opaque or transparent, and in a range of colors. This allows painters to create a variety of effects and finishes, including matte, satin, and glossy. It can also be applied on a variety of surfaces, including wood, metal, and concrete.


Acrylic paint is more durable than traditional latex paint, making it ideal for high-traffic areas such as hallways, kitchens, and bathrooms. It is also less likely to crack or peel, even in harsh weather conditions.

Color retention

Acrylic paint has excellent color retention, which means it won't fade or lose its vibrancy over time. This is particularly important for exterior painting, where exposure to sunlight and weather can cause paint to fade. At UCI Paints, we custom-create paints to match any other manufacturer's color, and once created, remain on our shelves, so there’s no worry about a color being discontinued.

Compatible with other media

Acrylic paint can be mixed with a range of mediums, such as gels, pastes, or oil paint to achieve different effects and textures. This allows painters to experiment with different media and create unique paint jobs.

Easy cleanup

Acrylic paint is easy to clean up with soap and water, making it a more environmentally friendly option than traditional oil-based paints, which require harsh solvents for cleanup.


Acrylic paint has a low volatile organic compound (VOC) content, which means that it emits fewer harmful fumes and odors than traditional oil-based paints. This makes it a healthier option for you and your family.

UCI Paints is at your service

At UCI Paints, we aim to be your one and only resource when it comes to painting projects for condominiums and HOAs/ Apartment communities in South Florida.

Not only do we manufacture acrylic enamel paint and other premium-quality paint products, but we can also connect you with highly reputable painting contractors in our network. These are professionals we have closely worked with over the years and their workmanship is covered under our warranty programs.

Once the job commences, we’ll assign an inspector to make bi-weekly visits to the site and ensure that the work is aligned with the expected outcome.

Get in touch

Give us a call today at 954-581-6060 or send a message through our contact form to discuss your painting project. You can also send your inquiries to, and we’ll be sure to get back to you shortly.